PTA's Vision
Every child's potential is a reality.
At Green Elementary we set forth to provide those things necessary to improve and ensure the Academic Success, Personal Success and Character Development of the children connected with Green Elementary. Including but not limited to volunteering, fund raising, program assistance, and community involvement.

PTA's Mission

To make every child's potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.

Why Join PTA?

The number-one reason to join the Parent Teacher Association is to benefit your child. In doing so, you also help our school. Studies have shown that membership in PTA provides your child and other children around you with a greater chance of achieving success in school. As a PTA member, you are more likely to be an informed, involved parent. 
Green Elementary PTA Executive Board Interest Form 2023-2024
We are excited that you are considering your role within Green's PTA Executive Board for the 2023-2024 school year!


MONDAYS are for GREEN SPIRIT!  Share your Explorer Pride on this day!

THURSDAYS are for BEING KIND!  Show everyone Kindness Matters!

FRIDAYS are for ALLEN EAGLE SPIRIT! Celebrate our amazing school district and show off your best Eagle wear!


