We are excited to kick off our new fundraiser this year: RAISE CRAZE!  This is a unique way for us to raise money for our school while making an impact in our community. We did a kickoff with our kids last Friday with ROWDY FROM THE DALLAS COWBOYS! A huge thanks to our Awesome PTA for making this possible. During this fundraiser, students ask friends and family for donations via the online Raise Craze platform while paying it forward serving others. What a great way for us to teach our students the importance of kindness and gratitude while raising much needed funds.


Students will spend time serving, not selling! 


Registration Link: HERE! 

  • Enter your student’s name
  • Select at least 3 Acts of Kindness
  • Enter 5-10 email addresses of potential supporters.
  • Raise Craze will send all emails, reminders and thank you notes.
  • Emails will never be shared with third parties or used for marketing.

Dates: SEPTEMBER 22 - October 6

Our Goal: $45,000 School-Wide


Service Projects: Letter writing, ACO donations, make a new friend campaign, clothing drive with 0459 and smile campaign.




  • Every student can participate in Raise Craze by completing Acts of Kindness (AOK) so we’re aiming for 100% participation.
  • As a little encouragement, teachers will be recognizing “Kindness On the Spot” when they see students being kind so please talk to your student about ways he or she might show kindness at school. Need help getting started?
  • Check out the Raise Craze Instructional Video at https://raisecraze.com/instructional-video