Box Tops

Box Tops are an easy way to help raise money for our school! This year, our goal is $1,000 in Box Tops collected, but we'd love to beat that! Here are three easy ways to start earning money for our school!


1. Register at,  select Flossie Floyd Green Elementary, then click on Join Now!                        

Once you are logged in to your account, you can find information about:

Participating Box Tops Products

Ways to Earn More with In Store Bonus Offers


Green's Progress toward our 2018-2019 Box Top Goal

2. Download the FREE Box Tops Bonus App on your mobile phone!

  • Download the App
  • Sign in with your log in & choose Flossie Floyd Green Elementary
  • Purchase the items & quantities on the offers
  • Select the offers in the app
  • Scan receipt & Submit

Box Tops from the app offers are electronic and added to our totals automatically, no clipping required.  Its VERY easy & we could easily double our Box Tops earnings if our Green families start using the app.  These offers are in addition to the physical box top to clip & send to school.

3. Bring your completed Summer Passports & any loose or bonus Box Tops Certificates that you have to school & put them in our new Box Tops Mailbox!  The mailbox will be emptied every Friday.  


Have questions?  Email us at

Thanks for your support of Green's Box Tops for Education collection drive!